Starr Ingredients

Starr Ingredient: Sea Kelp [4 DIY Recipes Included!]

This month’s STARR INGREDIENT is the super-hydrating, inflammation-reducing, age-reversing and all around amazing SEA KELP!

SEA KELP may sound a little gross when thinking of using it in a bath or slathering it on your face and body. However, despite its natural seaweed smell, the benefits of this health and beauty enhancer may make you WANT to immerse your entire body in a vat of this stuff. Seriously. (Also, there are ways to mask/blend it’s natural essence as discussed below.)

To understand just what SEA KELP is and how it differs from other types of marine algae, this post will walk you through the various types of seaweed and kelp, as well as how and where to buy sea kelp. This post also addresses both the internal and external benefits of kelp through consumption or supplementation and its numerous beauty-enhancing qualities. Finally, this article concludes with four at-home recipes to try for yourself!


Most of us are familiar with seaweed–the slightly slimy plant-like algae that washes up on shore and that we often find tangled on a line or limb.

What you may not know is that there are over 300 genera of seaweed, and that there are three specific types: brown algae, green algae and red algae.

The varying colors are from the amount of photosynthesis that occurs within the plant’s fronds or blades, which are the leaf-like extensions of the plant. This coloring of the plant is one way to determine how close a particular genus of seaweed grows to the water’s surface.

These plants and algae of the water also vary in sizes and location of growth. Seaweed ranges in size from small plants to the elongated and heavier kelp. You can find seaweed in fresh water, e.g. lakes and rivers, and also in salt waters.

The reason we so often find ourselves stumbling across seaweed or entangled with one is because it does not need to be rooted to grow. In other words, most seaweed can float freely on the surface of the water.

Seaweed has a holdfast, an internal root system that allows it to attach to both animate and inanimate objects, like boats, rocks,  reefs and debris. Those seaweed without holdfasts simply float along the surface of the water. Whether or not it is free floating or decides to attach to another thing (living or not), seaweed will continue to grow.

You may also be surprised to learn that around the world seaweed is used in everyday things, like toothpaste, dyes, paints, paper and animal feed. It is even used as roofing material in some countries!


SEA KELP is in fact seaweed. Yet the leathery sea kelp is different than that which many of us have witnessed wash to shore at the beach.

SEA KELP is a specific subset of seaweed that is in the brown algae class of seaweed (although it is not always brown in color). It is the largest type of seaweed, with giant bladder kelp reaching up to 50 meters in length and weighing over one hundred pounds¹.

Brown algae is also known as large seaweed because of its length, which is one identifier that sets kelp apart from other kinds of seaweed. The length ranges from just two feet (sea palm) to over 150 feet (bladder kelp) in length. Kelp is even long enough to form forests–large groups of this plant that tangle together.

These forests of sea kelp form since, unlike other types of seaweed, each of the plants that make up the forest are rooted. Thus, as they grow they become enmeshed with one another. These kelp forests are often a place where other ecosystems set up shop and where a variety of life lives and eats.

This brown algae usually must root using its holdfast, having a permanent place to call home. It also requires some movement in the water surrounding it as it needs lots of nutrients. The nutrients travel from the kelp’s base, its holdfast, and through the stipe–the stem-like structure–to its fronds.

These qualities give kelp its size and make it a feeding spot for other marine life.

Also unlike other forms of seaweed, sea kelp is ONLY found in saltwater and prefers to grow along rocky coastlines. This, together with its rooted locale, is another reason the nutrient content of sea kelp differs from that of other kinds of seaweed.

Seaweed is only able to absorb what it encounters floating along the water. Sea kelp, on the other hand, absorbs many unique minerals and nutrients from the surface where it is rooted, making it a better choice for consumption and application to skin and hair.

Kelp also has many commercial uses. One such example is the use of the ash from bongo kelp, which is high in iodine and alkali, in soap and glass making.


With the high mineral content absorbed from its unique environment, SEA KELP thus has many benefits to the body’s internal system.

To begin, sea kelp contains nearly 30 minerals that do the body good, such as CALCIUM, COPPER, IODINE, IRON, MAGNESIUM AND POTASSIUM.

The high CALCIUM and IRON content of sea kelp can help those who are deficient in these minerals supplement their intake.

This is especially good for those who suffer from brittle bones and who do not like or cannot drink milk. It is a great way for anyone to add more calcium to their diet. Also, for those who are anemic, sea kelp is an alternative to taking expensive iron supplements.

Another key mineral that sea kelp offers the body is iodine. IODINE is an important nutrient for normal thyroid function. So consuming sea kelp as part of a regular diet or taking a dose of it in supplement form has helped many people regulate their thyroid.

Finally, MAGNESIUM is growing in popularity amongst doctors and some parents who wish to treat a child with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) or Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD). Since this natural substance can be added to many dishes without altering the taste, it could be a helpful solution for children who have a diagnosis of ADHD/ADD and for whom magnesium has been suggested as a solution.

There are many recipes and dishes that use seaweed as an ingredient, which allow those wanting to seek the internal benefits of sea kelp to do so. In fact, many Eastern cultures and coastal people have been consuming seaweed and sea kelp as part of their regular diet for decades. Its many body-aiding qualities are enjoyed with its addition to all kinds of food and drink–from milkshakes to casseroles.

As an added bonus, the alginate derived from kelp was shown in a 2010 study conducted by the University of Newcastle to be more effective at slowing fat absorption by the body than most of the weight loss treatments being marketed at that time³. Alginate is a polysaccharide that is prevalent in the brown algae class of seaweed and is used in food and cosmetics as a thickening agent.

However, for the purposes of this post, the focus is mainly on the external benefits of sea kelp. Tubb Starr was created to serve the bath, body and beard needs of its customers, and this STARR INGREDIENT is used in Tubb Starr products as a skin and hair treatment, as well as a detoxification agent.


It is for the specific nutrient content and quantity of SEA KELP that Tubb Starr and other companies look to use it in skin and hair products. It is not just any old seaweed; sea kelp is a great addition to products that retain moisture, fight the signs of aging, e.g. wrinkles and lines on the face, remove toxins from the body and calm irritated, inflamed or blemished skin.

Along with the minerals listed above, sea kelp is rich in several nutrients that are beneficial to skin and hair, including VITAMINS A, B1, B2, C, D AND E. Other minerals, such as CALCIUM, COPPER, IODINE, IRON, MAGNESIUM AND POTASSIUM, are also found in sea kelp

So why use sea kelp on your skin?

Other than the antioxidant and anti-aging qualities that vitamins A, C and E give to mature skin, there are many hydrating, inflammation-reducing and toxin-eliminating qualities that any age skin can use to enhance its beauty.


As mentioned before, SEA KELP is especially high in calcium. Aside from the internal benefits, calcium can do wonders for your skin.

In fact, many people are not aware that calcium is a vital nutrient to the epidermis (the outer layer of skin). Calcium in the epidermis is necessary to keep skin from becoming dry and fragile.

Thin skin is an unwelcome effect of the aging process. Calcium helps reduce the appearance of aging on the skin by keeping it elastic and hydrated. It also helps the epidermis produce sebum, the skin’s natural oil layer, which keeps skin well moisturized. The sebum also creates a protective barrier on the skin’s surface, helping to keep it fresh and blemish free.

Calcium assists the skin in ridding itself of dead skin cells faster. By replacing dead cells with new ones at a more rapid pace, regeneration is another benefit to mature skin that can make it look and feel younger.

SKIN HOMEOSTASIS is not something I wake up thinking about, but it is something I have recently started considering in my beauty routine given my age.

The epidermal layer of our skin is mainly comprised of cells that produce keratin. Keratin, a protein, gives our skin strength and protection. These keratin-producing cells are named keratinocytes, and they make up 90% of the skin we see when we look at our bodies.

During the aging process, the regeneration process of keratinocytes (replacement of old cells with new ones) becomes slower. Thus skin becomes less elastic, thinner, more fragile and pale (due to a reduction in melanin-producing cells).

Application of calcium to areas of skin that show signs of aging, it has been found that keratinocytes will start to replenish at a faster pace, returning the dermis to “skin homeostasis”²Thus, an under-eye serum or face cream that contains sea kelp, which is especially high in calcium, can in fact achieve healthier, more youthful looking skin.

This mineral is easily consumed with a healthy diet or through supplementation, but its use as a topical treatment in beauty products can help firm mature and fine lines and wrinkles may become less visible.


Vitamins A and E are antioxidants, meaning they help reduce free radicals and keep the signs of aging at bay.

Since free radicals cause wounds to heal slower, which may cause scarring and other problems, these two vitamins help reduce the appearance of scars when applied to a blemished area of the skin.

The use of vitamins A & E in treating acne has also been found to be beneficial.

VITAMIN A is often chemically altered by cosmetic laboratories to become a retinoid, an easy topical application of the vitamin. Retinoids are used in cosmetic and medicinal treatments specific to acne since it pushes skin to regenerate faster, healing blemished skin quicker than it would without.

VITAMIN E can aid in the healing of acne-scarred skin. It can also soften the area where blemishes affect skin, making the skin feel and appear smoother in these areas.

Vitamins A & E are also great for both skin and hair as they help to retain moisture and promote healthy growth.

Vitamins A and E will protect the skin and hair with their antioxidant powers. This promotes a healthier scalp for hair growth. By protecting the outer layer of the skin, as well as the scalp, these minerals help retain moisture and give hair a healthy shine.


VITAMIN B1 and VITAMIN B2 are just a couple of the eight different classes of B vitamins. These two can be great for skin since they help with its sensitivity to external factors and improve its appearance by increasing collagen production. These B-complex vitamins may also improve the overall appearance and structure of the dermis.

However, to benefit from their specific presence in sea kelp, it is often better to consume the algae through its inclusion in a food recipe. Internal consumption will bring about the most chance for change rather than relying on their use in a cream or salve.

One B-complex vitamin that you WILL want to use topically is PANTOTHENIC ACID, also known as the B5 VITAMIN. It is one of the more commonly used B vitamins in skin and hair gels, creams, washes and conditioners.

PANTHENOL, a provitamin form of B5, is a humectant. This means that it attracts moisture from the air to skin and hair. ProVitamin B5 also assists in retention of moisture for better hydration in thirsty skin and locks. This property can achieve healthier, stronger, shinier and fuller looking hair, which is why many companies, like Tubb Starr, use it in their products.

In fact, Tubb Starr currently includes ProVitamin B5 (Panthenol/DL-Panthenol) in several of its hair and beard products (e.g., the Uber-Moisturizing Beard Wash with Honey & Aloe).

Also found in kelp is VITAMIN B3, also known as Niacin. Niacin is looked to as a super-hydrating vitamin for the skin that also calms and reduces redness and irritation.


A lot of wrinkle treatment creams and serums on the market today contain vitamin C because of its collagen-building properties. Collagen is what keeps skin elastic and supple looking. Elastin is what gives skin its flexibility and bounce back. Thus vitamin C can help skin retain a more youthful appearance.

Without collagen, skin will begin to sag. One of the more crucial areas of the face where vitamin C can be of the most help is the area just under the eye where collagen is less and elastin is weak. Since this is where facial skin is the thinnest, it is a great area to start using a collagen-building product, if you have not already.


Stepping out of the house and under the fiery hot ball in the sky each day will give you plenty of vitamin D. Its deficiency in the body, though, can cause many problems, including those related to hair growth.

This reason is why vitamin D is often linked to hair growth. Vitamin D can help stimulate hair follicles on the scalp, increasing the number of hair follicles and the speed at which hair grows from them. By using products that contain the vitamin, many men see improvement in the thickness of their hair, including beards.

For the bearded, Tubb Starr’s line of beard products all include vitamin D, among other great minerals and nutrients, which allows you to grow a full and healthy beard.


One of the lesser talked about vitamins for cosmetic application is vitamin K; however, it has a lot to offer the skin.

Vitamin K is used by the body to aid in its blood-clotting process. Blood clotting is necessary in healing wounds, including those caused by surgery. Thus, a topical application of a cream or salve which contains sea kelp, which includes vitamin K, can help skin heal faster after cosmetic and other types of surgery.


Amino acids are necessary for skin to maintain a healthy texture and supple movement. Keeping skin smooth, plump and hydrated is the path to a more youthful appearance.

Amino acids that work in conjunction with each other or other various ingredients can promote elastin and collagen production in the skin. They also neutralize free radicals (acting as antioxidants), provide UV protection, prevent tissue breakdown, improve muscle strength and reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

Amino acids also aid in hydration and absorption. A product that contains amino acids will be better absorbed by the skin.

One important amino acid found in kelp is arginine. Arginine is an antioxidant that is especially beneficial to those wanting to achieve fuller, plumper skin with a smoother texture.


Fatty acids are the building blocks to lipids–healthy fats that are naturally occurring in our epidermal layer.

The use of fatty acids on skin can increase hydration, reduce inflammation and smooth the surface. They also play a vital role in skin protection by creating a barrier that sits on the surface, controlling movement and preventing invasion.


Detox is a process that helps rid the body of harmful toxins. There are a lot of natural ingredients that can be used in a detox, and kelp has a strong stance among these.

Please note that whenever you choose to perform a detox on any part of your body, whether it be a colon cleanse, kidney detox or the like, you should ALWAYS seek the advice of a medical professional before attempting. Also, please remember that the information included in this article should not be relied upon as medical advice or otherwise.


SEA KELP has aided many people with fat loss. To achieve this, along with a reduction of cellulite, body wraps and processes like Ionithermie Cellulite Reduction Therapy target specific areas of the body, e.g. the tummy, buttocks and thighs.

The idea is to apply a sea kelp concoction to these areas of the body and contain it with a wrap made of thin plastic or with a towel. Then heat is applied to open the pores and let the concoction absorb faster. In some instances, electronic impulses are conducted to help the body better absorb the nutrients, allowing for the best result.

For those readers who are interested in sea kelp body wraps or Ionithermie but who are money conscious, I have included an at-home sea kelp body wrap for those brave souls willing to try it on their own. Just remember, I am not claiming that it will do anything for you or make you lose inches from your waistline, thighs or buttocks, but neither am I saying it will not.


SEA KELP is limited to around 30 genera within the order Laminariales, and there are more kelp species under the order Fucales. Any one kelp is full of great stuff for the body, but only a few are named below since they are easier to find and can be used in at-home beauty recipes.

When looking to buy sea kelp to whip up a DIY beauty recipe, like one of the four we have included in this post, it is suggested that you look for Ascophyllum nodosum or Fucus vesiculustwo types of kelp that are full of the nutrients listed above. Another popular kelp used is Macrocystis pyriferae, also known as the giant kelp for its size, is chock full of the listed minerals and nutrients given its size. Finally, a species of kelp that is often taken orally and that can also be used in skin care is Undaria pinnatifida.

Although there are other types of sea kelp available for purchase in stores and online, these closely-related types contain a large amount of the minerals and nutrients that are particularly great for skin and hair.

I suggest looking for sea kelp online since it is not a common product on store shelves. However, if you do go looking for it in stores, I would start with a whole foods grocer or natural products supplier.

When purchasing sea kelp for beauty purposes, powdered form is best. I also recommend that if you intend to incorporate it into a repeated beauty routine that you look at buying it in bulk.

The kinds of kelp given above are all easy to find online, and you can search by the botanical name if you prefer one over the other for its unique benefits.

ASCOPHYLLUM NODOSUM  (A. nodosum) is the botanical name for a particular type of brown algae that only grows in certain parts of the northern Atlantic Ocean. It is often called such names as Norwegian kelp, knotted kelp, knotted wrack, egg wrack and rockweed.

There are many other names for FUCUS VESICULOSUS (F. vesiculosus), including, but not limited to, bladderwrack or bladder wrack algae, rock wrack, rockweed, cut weed, black tang, sea oak, red fucus and dyers fucus.

Japan harvests the majority of UNDARIA PINNATIFIDA. (U. pinnatifida), an edible seaweed that is used as an additive in many soups and salads. Sold as Wakame, the Japanese name for this particular species of kelp, is also referred to as sea fern and sea mustard for its slightly sweet but uniquely strong flavor.

There are many sellers of sea kelp online, but ensure that you are buying an organic product from a reputable and clean source. You may also find it important to find one with a sustainable harvest and that is non-GMO (not a genetically modified organism).

Tubb Starr has found much success in using Norwegian Ascophyllum nodosum in its skin and hair care products.


There are many ways in which SEA KELP can be incorporated into your every day beauty routine.


For use as a skin treatment, SEA KELP can be applied topically with a lotion, cream, balm or salve.

With continuous use of a product containing kelp, usually over a period of several days to months, you can expect to brighten, exfoliate, smooth and hydrate skin.

As an antioxidant, UV protectant and moisture retaining agent, look to use seaweed/kelp extract or absolute in a daily moisturizer or serum to help protect skin.

To exfoliate, smooth and brighten skin, look for face and body polishes, salts, scrubs or exfoliants that include either a powder, extract or absolute derived from seaweed or kelp.

For use as an anti-cellulite and detox agent, the whole kelp in its natural form works great. However, if you prefer a cleaner and more manageble form to the plant, the powder also works well and can be blended with other ingredients.

Any new beauty treatment is a hit or miss with each person who tries it, so no one result is the same for everyone. However, if you expect to see any real cellulite reduction from a sea kelp body wrap treatment, do NOT choose one that contains a majority of synthetic ingredients! Natural ingredients will give you the best chance at achieving the results you desire.


The thought of wrapping seaweed around hair may elicit thoughts of swimming through the ocean like a mermaid. Before trying to throw a plant or two onto your locks, however, you should know that seaweed, including SEA KELP, is included in many popular products available for purchase.

Hair masks, shampoos, conditioners, styling sprays and deep-conditioning treatments are just a few sea-kelp inclusive products that can be used on hair.

This awesome ingredient will soften hair and add plenty of shine. For those with thinning hair, washing hair with a shampoo rich in sea kelp can improve the health of the scalp, increasing the potential for more growth.


Nothing feels better to me than knowing I saved a ton of money by doing something myself rather than paying another person hundreds of dollars to do the very same thing.

For example, many cruise lines currently have spas on board that offer Ionithermie to detox and slim the body. After just a few sessions, you would already be close to $500 in on a possible fix.

The last recipe included in this post is for a body wrap meant to reduce cellulite and detox that costs less than $50 to make at home. By mixing and applying a SEA KELP body wrap on your own just two times, you will be able to save nearly $450 dollars!

If looking to detox, you may want to begin with a bath of sea kelp-infused water where you exfoliate the skin using a salt or sugar scrub. Then, after toweling off, apply the Detox & Slim Sea Kelp Body Wrap as instructed below. You can finish with a body oil blend that includes orange peel and juniper.

So, to start us out, I would like to share with you all a detox bath bomb recipe to remove toxins from the body.


This particular bath bomb recipe includes POWDERED SEA KELP to help the body release toxins when added to a warm bath and to give the bath bomb its pretty and natural green color.

If you wish to purchase this ready-made kit, which includes all the listed ingredients and 2 large bath bomb molds, you can do so here.


©2018 Time: 30 mins. Level: Easy Yields: 2-4 bombs
1 cup Baking Soda
1/4 cup Citric Acid
1/4 cup ° Sea Kelp, powdered
3 Tablespoons Dead Sea Salt, fine
3 Tablespoons Dead Sea Salt, coarse
1/4 cup Epsom Salt
4 drops Lemon Essential Oil
2 drops Spearmint Essential Oil
10 drops Juniper Berry Essential Oil
4 fl. oz. • 91% Isopropyl Alcohol
° The amount of powdered sea kelp can be adjusted according to preference (2 TBS for less or 1/2 cup for more).
Witch Hazel can be substituted for the Isopropyl Alcohol.
* If you want to make this Detox Bath Bomb, we have all the ingredients you need prepackaged for you! Just order the kit here.
What you will need to make the bath bombs:
Fork 2 Glass Bowls 2-4 Molds Spray Bottle
Baking Sheet lined with Wax Paper Gloves (optional)
It is recommended that you wear thin gloves to make this recipe since it contains citric acid. If you do not wear gloves, you may want to remove any jewelery and nail polish.
1. Start by using a fork to mix together 1 cup baking soda with 1/4 cup citric acid.
2. Next, add the sea kelp powder, fine and coarse sea salts, Epsom salt and arrowroot powder to the soda & acid, using the fork to mix together. The mixture will become a natural green color.
3. In a separate small bowl, mix the grapeseed oil with 15-18 drops of the essential oil(s) or fragrance of your choice, stirring these oils together.
4. Then carefully add the oils to the bowl containing the dry ingredients. Using the fork, mix oils into the dry mixture until well incorporated (no clumps).
5. Finally, taking a small sprayer bottle filled with 91% Isopropyl Alcohol or Witch Hazel, spray the mix 2 to 3 times. Then mix together with your hands.
6. Continue to spritz the mixture 1 to 3 sprays at a time until, after mixing together, it is just moist enough to hold shape when pressed together with your hands.
7. Finally, firmly press the mixture into the bath bomb molds of your choice. If using the round bomb molds, overfill each half only slightly and press together.
8. Once you have filled your molds with all of the mixture, you can place them on a lined baking sheet and either a) let them harden overnight or b) put them in the freezer for an hour or two.
9. After letting them sit and harden, carefully remove from the molds. They are now ready to use in a warm bath.
10. TO ENJOY IN A BATH: Fill a bathtub with warm water and drop one bomb into the water. Wait for the fizzing to stop before CAREFULLY stepping into the bath. Soak in the tub for at least 20 minutes to allow the body to absorb all the goodness of your bath bomb. RELAX & ENJOY!
PLEASE NOTE that it is recommended that you rinse your bathtub after using any bath bomb as there may be some residue or oils that may cause the bottom of the tub to become slippery.
ALSO, if you want further advice as to how to make bath bombs or suggestions for improvement, please do not hesitate to contact us at

Nothing feels more luxurious on the face than a silky, moisture-rich serum. Unlike a moisturizer, cream or balm, a serum has a high concentration of skin-loving nutrients that quickly absorb into the skin.

This serum recipe includes SEA KELP EXTRACT, which is the liquid form of those minerals and nutrients extracted from sea kelp.

If you wish to purchase this ready-made kit, which includes all the listed ingredients and 1 2-oz. amber glass bottle with dropper top and pre-printed label, you can do so here.


©2018 Time: 15 mins. Level: Easy Yields: 2 fl. oz.
3 teaspoons Sweet Almond Oil
2 teaspoons Argan Oil
1 teaspoon Avocado Oil
2 teaspoons Rosehip Seed Oil
2 teaspoons • Gotu Kola Oil
1 teaspoon Sea Kelp Extract
10 drops Lavender Essential Oil
• The Gotu Kola oil is optional and can be left out.
* If you want to make this Regenerative Face Serum, we have all the ingredients you need prepackaged for you! Just order the kit here.
What you will need to make the face serum:
2 fl. oz. Glass Vial Glass Bowl
Funnel Gloves (optional)
1. Measure almond, argan and avocado oils and add them, in the order in which they are listed, to a small glass bowl.
2. Next, add 2 teaspoons of rosehip seed oil to the bowl.
3. If adding the gotu kola oil, measure & add this oil into the bowl also.
4. Finally, add 10 drops of lavender essential oil to the bowl, counting the drops. You can use a stainless steel or silicone spoon to mix after all oils are added, if you wish.
5. Now you will carefully & slowly pour your oil mixture into the 2 fl. oz. glass vial (amber glass is best) using the funnel.
6. Cap the oil, label appropriately & store in a cool, dry spot. You can also refrigerate to maximize freshness. (Serum should last as long as the shortest shelf life of oils used.)
7. TO USE: Place 3-5 drops of oil into the palm of one hand. Using clean fingertips from the other hand, rub the oil in circular motions over the entirety of your freshly-cleansed, dry face and neck, avoiding the eye area. Can be used morning and night.
PLEASE NOTE that if you want further advice as to how to make a face serum or suggestions for improvement, please do not hesitate to contact us at

A face mask is meant for deep cleansing of clogged pores to remove built up product, dirt and grime. It is suggested that you use a milder face mask when first incorporating one into a beauty routine or if you have sensitive skin.

The following recipe is for a hydrating and calming face mask that will help soothe tired, irritated skin while gently cleansing the pores, and the included POWDERED SEA KELP & Aloe Vera Gel will leave the face feeling fresh and smooth.

If you wish to purchase this ready-made kit, which includes twice the amount of all the listed ingredients and 1 8-oz. plastic container with black lid and pre-printed label, you can do so hereAs an added bonus, our kit includes a preservative so that you can store and use your creation longer!


©2018 Time: 20 mins. Level: Easy Yields: 4 oz.
1/2 Tablespoon Bentonite Clay
1 Tablespoon White Kaolin Clay
1 Tablespoon Rose Clay
1 Tablespoon Sea Kelp, powdered
1 teaspoon • Corn Flour, organic
1 Tablespoon Pure Aloe Vera, liquid
2 Tablespoons Distilled Water
1 teaspoon Rosehip Seed Oil
1 drop Lavender Essential Oil
1 drop Chamomile Essential Oil
1 drop Geranium Essential Oil
 The corn flour is added to this mask recipe to revive the skin and can be discluded, if you wish.
1 Tablespoon * Rhoussel Clay
1 teaspoon * Slippery Elm, powder
* These ingredients are optional.
* If you want to make this Calming & Hydrating Face Mask, we have all the ingredients you need prepackaged for you! Just order the kit here.
What you will need to make the face mask:
2 Glass Bowls Silicone/Stainless Steel Spoon
Gloves (optional) 4 oz. Container with Lid
It is recommended that you wear gloves to make this recipe.
1. Start by mixing the aloe & water together in a glass bowl.
2. Next, in a separate larger bowl, mix all of the dry ingredients together (the clays, kelp powder & corn flour), including any additional ingredients you are choosing to add. Blend well together using a spoon.
3. Now slowly pour the aloe & water liquid into the dry ingredients, continuously stirring as you pour, stopping only when the mixture becomes the consistency of wet sand (not too wet but not too dry).
4. Then, one by one, carefully add the essential oils to the bowl, counting 1 drop for each. Give the mixture a good stir until well incorporated.
5. Finally, scoop the blended face mask mixture into your container and cover with a lid until you are ready to use. It is recommended that you use it within one week if stored in the refrigerator. Another option is to pre-mix the wet & dry ingredients separately & mix together only when ready to use in the desired amount. Make sure to label all mixtures.
6. TO USE ON THE FACE: Taking a large glob out of the container with clean hands, smooth onto the entirety of your face and neck, avoiding the eye area. Let the mask sit on your face for 10 to 20 minutes, or until it has dried. Then rinse with warm water & follow with the DIY Regenerative Face Serum.
PLEASE NOTE that it is highly recommended that you perform a SKIN PATCH TEST BEFORE FULL USE of this recipe on any part of your body.
ALSO, if you want further advice as to how to make face masks at home or suggestions for improvement, please do not hesitate to contact us at

There are many oils, creams and body wraps that are sold online and as part of spa treatment packages that promise cellulite reduction, skin tightening, waistline slimming and weight loss. Not all of these products work or come with a guarantee.

This does not mean that these products do not work, however; there are different results with each person and product/treatment tried.

Rather than buying a synthetic and expensive body wrap that is almost certainly NOT going to give you the results you are looking for, whip up this easy to make recipe. With just a few steps, you will have an all-natural treatment to try at a fraction of the cost.

In fact, Tubb Starr has made it even easier for you by creating a DIY Detox & Slim Sea Kelp Body Wrap Kit that has everything you need ready to go, including twice the amount of all the listed ingredients and a 16-oz. container with pre-printed label. As an added bonus, our kit includes a preservative so that you can store and use your creation longer! Buy it here!


©2018 Time: 45 mins. Level: Hard Yields: 8 fl. oz.
1 cup Sea Kelp, powdered
1/4 cup Bentonite Clay
2 Tablespoons Sweet Almond Oil
3 teaspoons Jojoba Oil
6 drops Juniper Berry Essential Oil
10 drops Lemon Essential Oil
10 drops Grapefruit Essential Oil
4 drops Ginger Essential Oil
1/2 cup • Green Tea, brewed
 1/2 cup distilled water can be substituted for the green tea.
1-2 teaspoons * Cayenne Pepper, powder
3 Tablespoons * Dead Sea Salt, fine
1/4 cup * Goat’s Milk, powdered
* These ingredients are optional.
* If you want to make this Detox & Slim Sea Kelp Body Wrap, we have all the ingredients you need prepackaged for you! Just order the kit here.
What you will need to make the body wrap:
2 Glass Bowls Silicone/Stainless Steel Spoons
Several Old Towels/Sheets (optional) Cellophane Wrap
Heating Pad (optional) Gloves (optional)
It is recommended that you wear gloves to make this recipe.
1. Start by mixing the almond and jojoba oils together in a small bowl.
2. Next, carefully add the essential oils one at a time to the almond & jojoba oil mixture in the order in which they are listed. Using a spoon, mix all the oils together.
3. Now, in a separate larger bowl, add the dry ingredients (kelp powder & clay) & mix well together.
4. If adding any additional ingredients, measurr these into the large bowl with the kelp & clay, & mix together well. (The cayenne powder is to heat up the mixture, but should only be added a little st a time and after doing a skin patch test.)
5. Carefully pour the oils into the bowl containing the dry ingredients. Using a spoon, mix after all oils are added & until well incorporated (no clumps).
6. Finally, slowly add the freshly brewed green tea that has cooled slightly. (If substituting with water, warm the water in the microwave for 15 to 30 seconds.) Continuously mix as you add the liquid, stopping once you reach a mud-like consistency. ALL THE LIQUID MAY NOT BE USED, OR YOU MAY NEED TO ADD MORE.
7. After your mixture has reached a muddy consistency that can be easily spread onto the body, stop adding the liquid & give it one final stir. Set aside.
8. Finally, ONLY AFTER FIRST PERFORMING A SKIN PATCH TEST, you can either slather the mixture on your body and covering with cellophane, or you can dip your old sheets or towels into the mixture and wrap around the body. (It is recommended that you exfoliate & use a dry brush before applying the wrap, which will help you achieve the best possible result.)

  • If using cellophane, make sure it is wrapped snugly on the targeted areas but not too tight to restrict breathing.
  • If using the sheets or towels, you may want to use more liquid in your mixture so that it is absorbed into the fabric.
9. Once you have the wrap applied to your body, you should sit or lie in a warm room on old towels/blankets that the mix can drip on. This is where you can apply a heating pad on top of the wrap, if you wish.
10. After letting the body wrap take effect for 40 minutes, you can slowly start to unwrap. Wash off in a warm shower, making sure that all of the mix is rinsed off. (You can follow by rubbing a body oil onto your problem areas that contains similar essential oils that help detox.) Now check the mirror and let us know if you see any changes!
PLEASE NOTE that it is recommended that you rinse your bathtub after washing off the body wrap as there may be some residue or oils leftover that may cause the bottom of the tub to become slippery.
ALSO, if you want further advice as to how to make a body wrap or suggestions for improvement, please do not hesitate to contact us at


SEA KELP is healthy for your inside as well as your outside. If you are not sure whether you can stomach some raw and natural sea kelp as part of your next salad, that is okay. You can still get the internal benefits through a supplement. By doing so, you may be able to see some weight loss, according to the 2010 study conducted³.

As for your outside, I hope you try one of the included recipes or buy one of Tubb Starr’s DIY Kits. By making your own product you can enjoy the beauty-enhancing benefits of kelp for a mere fraction of the cost that many products that include kelp as ingredient sell for on the market.

¹ Nick. Seaweed versus sea kelp, what is actually the difference? Seaweed & Co. May 21, 2017.

² Denda M, Fuziwara S and Inoue K. Influx of calcium and chloride ions into epidermal keratinocytes regulates exocytosis of epidermal lamellar bodies and skin permeability barrier homeostasis. Journal of Investigative Dermatology. 2003.

³ Newcastle University. Seaweed to tackle rising tide of obesity. ScienceDaily. March 22, 2010.

This article and the blog where it is published are for entertainment and informational purposes only. The views and opinions in this article are the views of the author and do not necessarily represent the views and opinions of Tubb Starr or its affiliates. The facts included, referenced and cited in this article are true to the best of our knowledge; however, there may be omissions, mistakes and/or errors. Any inclusion in this article of advice, whether it be from a physician, medical practicioner or professional, licensed or not, is intended for informational purposes only and to induce conversation. It is not intended, nor shall it be used or relied upon, as a substitute for professional advice, diagnosis or treatment. Any reliance upon views, opinions, facts and/or advice given in this article is done so at the risk of the reader.

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